Ambassadors 2013

Photo: Region Stavanger
Meet the 2013 ambassadors for the Stavanger region!
We proudly present the Region Stavanger ambassadors for 2013
Hein Andre Langåker - Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE HSE Conference 2016
Hein has been a central door opener for Region Stavanger towards the very important Society of Petroleum Engineers. He has already contributed to getting various workshops to Stavanger, and together worked to get the "SPE HSE Conference & Exhibition to Stavanger". He is the local president of a worldwide engineering organisation, with more than 100,000 members! Employed at Weatherford Norge AS, as a key account manager - yes, we are in "oil". Educated at Bergen University College, with a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering
Per Dahl – University of Stavanger, International Musicological Society Congress 2016
Per has worked hard to get The International Musicological Society's Symposium to Stavanger in 2016. An active performer on the flute as a student in Trondheim moved to Stavanger in 1979. Very versatile as a communicator he has given lectures at the Cardinal Pub, participated as a stand-up researcher, and was an expert commentator for NRK. Special field: Music analysis, music history and musical understanding. He has been on several committees, sat on committees during congresses and published several publications. Has previously been dean of the university's forerunner, the University of Stavanger (2000-2003), where he was central to the work to achieve university status. Those who know him particularly well say that he is passionate about wine, literature and travel. He has been awarded Stavanger Forum's Communication Award 2006, among other things because of his ability to connect UiS with the outside world!
Tom Norland - PTC, Gas Lift Conference 2014
Managed to get the worldwide ASME network's Gas-Lift Conference to Stavanger in 2016 and 2017! He intended to become a car mechanic, but when he started at Stavanger Maritime High School, he changed his future prospects - and he never looked back: Has worked for many of the big companies such as Haliburton, Smedvig, Schlumberger and OTIS - before he formed the company Petroleum Technology Company in 2002. A company that now has offices in Houston, Rio, Bergen and Aberdeen. PTC is characterized by high technology and innovation for oil operations. He has established himself in Aberdeen - his new hometown, where he has worked for over 30 years. Like many other founders, in true Rogaland spirit, he is concerned with "quality" and that "quality costs" - only the best is good enough!
Ingelin Testad - Center for geriatric medicine at Stavanger University Hospital and the research department at Stokka nursing home, SESAM conference.
Worked hard to get AD/PD confirmed for Stavanger in 2018, together with Region Stavanger. She is a nurse with a major in healthcare. She is employed as a research fellow at Stavanger University Hospital and as head of the Section for Professional Development and Research at Stokka Teaching Hospital. Won Helse Vest's Research Award 2010. She got Keynes - one of the world's most important PCOs - to consider Stavanger a host city for several conferences. Is a psychiatric nurse and is head of the Centre for Geriatric Medicine at Stavanger University Hospital and the research department at Stokka nursing home.