In the Fairytale Forest at Gramstad, 5 lean-to shelters were set up in 2019 for use by the general public. All five lean-to shelters have norwegian fairytale names; Huldra, Veslefrikk, Gullhår, Tyrihans and Reveenka. Huldra is the largest lean-to shelter. The lean-to shelter has seating for approx. 20 people, plus 6 wheelchairs, possibility to hang hammocks, and a two-part fire pit.

Veslefrikk, Gullhår, Tyrihans and Reveenka are the four smaller lean-to shelters. There is room for 7-8 people in each of the lean-to shelters.

All lean-to shelters are marked with their name and it is possible to eat your lunch and / or spend the night in all five of the lean-to shelters. They are well suited for school classes and other larger groups on day trips, and accommodation. All of the lean-to shelters are wheelchair accessible.